


Crafting application... Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - Installation request for league/flysystem 1.0.63 -> satisfiable by league/flysystem[1.0.63]. - league/flysystem 1.0.63 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system. Problem 2 - league/flysystem 1.0.63 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system. - laravel/framework v6.10.1 requires league/flysystem ^1.0.8 -> satisfiable by league/flysystem[1.0.63]. - Installation request for laravel/framework v6.10.1 -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[v6.10.1]. To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files: - C:phpphp.ini You can also run `php --ini` inside terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode.


maatwebsiteのLarval Excelを使って超簡単にExcelファイルダウンロードを実装してみましょう!!CSVや他の拡張子にも対応できるので、積極的に活用したいですね!!


Laravelを使って作成されているwebアプリで、Excelアップロードを行う方法を書いてみました。 多くのデータを手入力するのは大変ですよね。Excelアップロードでその問題を解決しましょう!